International Seminar
On June 20th the "HOME_EU: Homelessness as unfariness" project (http://www.home-eu.org) will organize the International Seminar "Homelessness as unfairness: an ecological perspective". The Seminar aims to present the preliminary findings of the HOME_EU project with the involvement of politicians, practioners and services users. Panelists from University of Padova (Italy), ISPA (Portugal), Aix-Marseille University (France), University of Limerick (Ireland), Impuls (Netherland) and RAIS (Spain), will present different topics, with the approach of an ecological perspective, to address the problem of homelessness in European Context.
The Seminar will be held in "Orto Botanico" of Padova (http://www.ortobotanicopd.it/), from 9.00 to 18.00.
ATTENTION! The number of places avaible for the International Seminar has been reached. It is no longer possible to subscribe.
For more information please send an email to: home.eu.dpss@unipd.it