Third International Housing First Conference
Working in Housing First. Breaking the cycle of homelessness through empowerment and community integration.
The Conference will take place on June 18th and 19th 2018 in Padova (Italy)
We invite practitioners, service providers, policy makers, researchers, scholars, and, importantly, service users, to submit a proposal to present at the Conference. We aim to create a richly diverse agenda of a variety of types of sessions through which we can facilitate knowledge transfer not only across national borders, but also across the scholar - practitioner, practitioner - policy maker, and service user - service provider borders. The aim of this Conference is to share knowledge about research, practice, policy and activism and promote the international dissemination and sustainment of Housing First programmes.
Invited speakers:
- Kenneth Maton (University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD)
- Josè Ornelas (Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, ISPA, Lisbona, PT)
- MaryBeth Shinn (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN)
The purpose of this conference is to explore the changes in homeless services.
On the afternoon of June 19th, an Italian workshop will be held in collaboration with fio.PSD, celebrating 20 years of research on homelessness in Italy.
Furthermore, we inform you that on June 20th the HOME_EU project (http://www.home-eu.org) will organize the open International Seminar "Homelessness as unfairness: an ecological perspective". The Seminar aims to present the preliminary findings of the HOME_EU project with the involvement of politicians, practioners and services users.
For more information please click here