Conferenza della Prof. Paulette Flore

ore 15.00 presso la sala riunioni DPSS 1


Prof. Paulette Flore Department of Methodology and Statistics - Tilburg University

Abstract: The stereotype threat effect on girls' quantitative test performance has been an established theory within social psychology, and investigated by means of numerous small experiments. These experiments usually show that girls who are exposed to a gender related stereotype threat on average perform worse on a mathematical test compared to women who are not exposed to such a threat. However, critics suggest (Stoet&  Geary, 2012; Ganley et al., 2013) that these effects ofstereotype threat might be distorted by publication bias. With a meta-analysis we studied to which extent stereotype threat influenced quantitative test performance of girls and whether this mean effect was distorted by publication bias. In this talk I discuss several techniques that are used to estimate the influence of publication bias in the context of meta-analyses, the actual influence of publication bias on the stereotype threat literature, and proposed solutions for the field.