Personale docente

Teresa Farroni

Professore ordinario


Indirizzo: VIA VENEZIA, 8 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498276533


  • Il Mercoledi' dalle 10:30 alle 12:30
    presso Via Venezia 8, stanza 014 TERZO PIANO
    Il ricevimento avverrà solo previa comunicazione email al docente all'indirizzo

- Perception and cognition of the social and physical world during typical and atypical development
- Development of self perception in typical and atypical development
- Early predictors of autism
- Developing an understanding of the physical world
- The development of the ownership
- The development of the other race effect and attentional biases

I will be happy to accept thesis and internship application for research in the following fields, on both typical and atypical development (i.e., Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, preterm birth):

1) Role of affective touch across development.
Affective touch is defined as a slow and gentle caress that transmits a sense of closeness and security, which is fundamental for the formation of intimate relationships, and for the regulation of emotional state, thus facilitating social learning from the very first months of life. We investigate the early sensitivity that newborns and infants exhibit to affective touch, which could play a crucial role in physiological and behavioral self-regulation mechanisms, with cascading effects on the development of social cognition. We employ research techniques such as EEG, ECG, eye-tracking.

2) Applications of digital technologies for children
Technologies such as immersive virtual reality offer unique possibilities for immersing people in sensory environments designed for each person's individual needs. They enable embodied experiences that overcome the barriers of reality. Our research goes beyond the mere challenge of technical innovation, but rather studies the perceptual, behavioral, physiological and neural effects that differentiate virtual experiences from real ones. We explore the potential use for children, with a specific focus on sensory, motor and social mechanisms. We employ portable technologies for kinematic and neuroimaging measurement.

3) The early basis for social exchanges: interpersonal synchrony
Interpersonal synchrony is the spontaneous spatio-temporal coordination of actions, emotions, thoughts and physiological processes between two or more individuals, which appears particularly relevant to the end of social interactions. Interpersonal synchrony develops very early in life and it has been shown to promote social attitudes across different age ranges, as well as more positive developmental outcomes. We investigate the development of these mechanisms from infancy and across the life-span. We employ research techniques such as EEG, and eye-tracking.

I will be happy to accept PhD application for research in the following fields, both in typical and atypical Development

- Development of the Peripersonal space, the "self" and multisensory integration: within this topic we are studying the development of "self" and the roles of multisensory integration in shaping self-other boundaries and social cognition

- A baby’s first experience with the surrounding environment occurs through touch, developing prenatally as early as 16 weeks. This sense is essential to children’s growth of physical abilities, language and cognitive skills, and social-emotional competency. Touch not only impacts short-term development during infancy and early childhood, but also has long-term effects, suggesting the power of positive, gentle touch from birth. Through this contact, newborns are able to learn about their world, bond with their caregiver, and communicate their needs and wants. There is almost nothing on the neural basis and development of touch stimulation

- Possession, ownership, and social affordance in early development: in this topic we are interesting in studying the development of particular relationships between individuals and an entity maintaining a control over it; furthermore we want to investigate which properties and dependent variables are relevant for individuals' goals to become the owner of an object